June Neighbor Night

June Neighbor Night

Strip District Neighbors is hosting a neighborhood happy hour on the last Wednesday of each month. Mingle with neighborhood residents and business owners of the Strip District at a different business member each month! Who: Open to all SDN members.  Please help us...
2023 April Town Hall Meeting

2023 April Town Hall Meeting

SAVE THE DATE! Our quarterly Town Hall Meeting will be at the Heinz History Center on April 19th. There are a lot of exciting events, developments, and news to share, so don’t miss it!
Wednesday is Neighbor Night!

Wednesday is Neighbor Night!

Strip District Neighbors is hosting a new neighborhood happy hour on the last Wednesday of each month. Mingle with neighborhood residents and business owners of the Strip District at a different business member each month! Who: All of our SDN...
Spirit of the Strip 2022

Spirit of the Strip 2022

Join us on Saturday, October 15th at 7pm for the Strip Districts annual community celebration, Spirit of the Strip – the adult after-party following Monster Pumpkins Festival, the City’s most spellbinding spectacle of colorful colossal cucurbits. Spirit of the Strip...